Selecting the Best Resume Template in 2024

Selecting the best resume template is a critical first step in creating an effective resume that gets seen by the right people. If you want to get your resume past automated systems and into the hands of hiring managers, you want to make sure it is easy to scan. And once it is being read by an HR manager, you have about seven seconds to get their attention. Clearly, the stakes are pretty high, and a lot of your success rides on the template.

Here are nine things to consider when thinking about how to create a job-winning resume template.

Table of Contents

Is the resume template appropriate for the industry and role to which you’re applying?

Tailor your resume template to the specific industry or role you are applying for. Different industries have different expectations regarding resume styles and formats. For example, if you’re applying for most jobs in the US, you don’t need to include a picture of yourself on the resume. Do your research or use our resume builder to help you generate an industry-appropriate resume template.

Is the template streamlined and easy to read?

Select or design a resume template that is easy to read. Avoid cluttered layouts, excessively design-y fonts, or distracting graphics. While you do want to get the hiring manager’s attention, the goal is to present your information in a clear and professional manner, not clutter a page with script fonts or tons of graphics and logos.

Content is King.

We can’t shout this enough: the design should enhance, not overshadow, the content of your resume. The template is really a vehicle to communicate all your awesome qualifications, achievements, work experience, and education, without making the document look crowded. Find a template that really makes what’s on it stand out.

Can you customize?

The ideal template is easy to customize to suit your personal style, preferences and tweaks for each job to which you are applying. Depending on the job, you may want to adjust fonts, colors, section headings, or text. 

Keep it accessible.

Your template needs to be compatible with automated systems, so always print to pdf to check how your resume looks in pdf format. Also make sure that the color scheme and fonts are easy to read for people who may be visually impaired or colorblind.

A Balance of White Space.

A good resume template strikes a balance between white space and content. Sufficient white space improves readability and provides a clean, professional appearance. Think of the last time you went to a website that had too many colors, graphics and text - did you click off? You don’t want the same to be said for someone looking at your resume!

Add Keywords.

Choose a template that allows for easy inclusion of keywords relevant to the job you're applying for. Keywords are important for passing through applicant tracking systems (ATS) used by many employers before the resume is ever reviewed by human eyes.

Keep it consistent.

Ensure your resume template maintains a consistent format and style throughout. Consistency in formatting helps create a cohesive and polished look.

Is your resume printer friendly?

If you anticipate printing your resume, choose a template that is printer-friendly and won't lose formatting or readability when printed. That’s why it is always best to test in pdf before final selection of a template.